This is part 2 of our Taiwan travel blog, you can check out part 1 of our Taiwan post at Taiwan travel blog Part 1: Taichung, Xinshe, Cingjing DAY 4: SUN MOON LAKE日月潭 We had our complimentary breakfast in the guesthouse. The food is simple but nice, and Jas especially liked the milk tea. Taiwanese milk […]
Hello everyone! This is PapaPips reporting! Erm, ahem, Ray is twice as old now as when he went on this Taiwan trip, so erm, ? paiseh for the delay! Mamasjas was super busy with our #sg50 commitments and whatnots (or so she claims. I caught her reading manga a lot of times), so she resorted to nagging, coercing […]
Hi guys! In this post, we are going to recommend two products to you for your house renovation or refurbishment, and I promise you it is going to be a great idea! We ourselves believe in it, and we are so glad to be working with these two companies! The two products are (1) Eubiq […]
#education #17mo #valueofreasoning #itcanwork Impatient Mom, impatient Bubs Ray is 17mo now, and as proud as I am of him growing into the little man that he is, with his own distinct personality nicely shaping up, I am also immensely proud of myself for being the mummy that I am, slowly finding my footing along […]
LIfestyle, Love, My Love story
#keepingmarriagealive #lovingyourspouse #teachingmysontolove #6.5months “The best thing I can do for my baby is to love his mother” – Pips When becoming parents for the first time, the second time and the times thereafter, it is so very much a natural part of us to love our baby fiercely, and to place our child’s needs […]
Foodie Alert!, Restaurants/Dining
#Diningout #throwback #5mo #vegetarianrestaurant Those who know me know I am no fan of pure vegetarian food, and have on occasion, scoffed at vegetarian meals (in my defence, it happened in my younger days. Sorry, Buzzy haha). I especially can’t stand the look and taste of mock meat – fake charsiew, fake chicken rolled on […]
#throwback #3mo bottletraining One of the biggest challenges that I faced as a breastfeeding mom, ironically had nothing to do with bf, but bottlefeeding. I was always told that baby may have nipple confusion, and not want to latch, so I insisted upon exclusive direct latching until a week before I was to return to work, […]
#throwback #newborn The first night that Ray was born, he was kept in my hospital suite so I could bond with him and breastfeed him. I was very glad and happy that this was the arrangement at NUH, as I felt it was my duty and responsibility as Ray’s mom to have him spend as […]
#4 months and 3 weeks old The little critter is now out of his crib and on my bed. He looks around the room inquisitively, hands outstretched and legs high up in the air. Finally, his gaze meets mine and immediately, bebe beams a big one at me, breaking into his toothless, gummy smile.
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