Circa 2007 –
This is just a short post to let you guys get a feel of the cost of living in india. India can be very easy on the wallet, which means you get alot more bang for your buck! A list of some items below in rupees… For items with conversion rate, it is rupees to SGD
1) Red Adidas Jacket–> 30% sale, from 930rps to 650rps ($26 sgd) (Lifestyle mall, Ahmedabad)(MII Made In India)
2) Plain Black Adidas T-shirt with Gold letterings of Adidas emblazoned across the front–>30%sale from
3) A tank top/tee-shirt/etc can be 45rps (Marpusa market, Goa)
4)Shoes/sandals from Mumbai, Wheaty Station undergrd–>100rps
5)Shoes/sandals from Marpusa mkt (must bargain. 400rps to 150rps)
6)Anklets from Mumbai, Colaba Causeway(must bargain:100/150rps to 50rps for a set of 2)
1) White Rice–> 1Kg from Big Bazaar–>15rps(60cents)
2) Tupperware–> v cheap. 2 microwaveable tupperware (small to mid size–>)
1)Greeting Card–> avg 30rps for one normal sized card from Archies
1)Cadbury Fruits and Nuts Bar (big)–>85rps ($3.40)
1)Taj Hotel, Ahmedabad buffet–> 550rps ($22)
2) Upper Crust–>175rps ($7) for a whopper of a sizzler (mash potato, chicken cutlet, veg, focaccia-like bread, pasta)
Ahmedabad 60rps ($2.40) for a chocolate walnut brownie warmed, topped w vanilla ice-cream drizzled in choc sauce
35rps ($1.40) for a slice of chocolate cake
85rps ($2.60) for baked pasta w chicken n cheese in cream sauce
3)Subway–> 57rps ($2.25) Sub of the day (eg Tuna on Fri)
100rps ($4) for a tuna Subway on a normal day
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