Take a video of yourself either singing NDP songs (any patriotic songs of your liking!) or the national anthem. You can… Posted by Jashuat Parenting Articles, Blog & Journey on Sunday, September 6, 2015 Below are the past 5 winners of our sg50 PHOTO Contest. What are you waiting for? Join them, join our video contest […]
Hello friends! Today I am sharing a video of me reading a picture book with Ray, which essentially advises you on how to cultivate a love for reading with your baby, getting them to learn words, attach meaning to those words and develop the confidence to speak up. Educating kids is a topic close to […]
Family/Friends photo contest! 5 Prizes worth up to $3000 in total!:Each prize will consist of $200 NTUC/MALL vouchers… Posted by Jashuat Parenting Articles, Blog & Journey on Monday, May 18, 2015
Hello! #giveaway #parentingseminar #26oct #sunday This is a flash giveaway to a parenting talk happening on 26 Oct for pregnant parents looking to find out more about babies, and for parents wanting to learn more about nutrition, how to lose those baby weight etc! Find out more info on www.facebook.com/jashuatbaby! Giveaway ends on 15 Oct […]
Hey Baldy Just wanted to tell you sorry that I am not able to visit you this year on 26th July, but well, I hope to see you on your birthday okies? I guess I’m kinda sad that u seem to be fading away, that we seem to be growing further apart as more and […]
Ahmedabad, India, Travel, Uncategorized
Groan~ The terrible effects of the following combination is catching up with me: 1) Curry everyday, several times a day 2) Overdose of salt, sugar, oil and ghee in the cooking 3) Deep fried stuff that is omnipresent in the indian palate The above combination, which I have been consuming daily in a most faithful […]
Ahmedabad, India, Travel, Uncategorized
You know… When writing this blog right, I keep on thinking whether i wrote some politically incorrect stuff or posted some politically incorrect pictures which might get me ostracised or worse still, locked up without bail. It’s so hard to tell sometimes, cuz like what seems right or normal might be wrong in another culture. […]
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