LIfestyle, Musings, Musings/thoughts, Parenthood

Loving my boys

26 Jan , 2018  

Together with Pips, we produced two little mini-mes, both of the male gender. Since they are both of the XY chromosomal variety, invariably, countless people have asked me if I want a little girl.

LIfestyle, Musings

The unexpected gift from my second child

19 Jan , 2018  

When I had my first child four years ago, my maternal instincts kicked in instantaneously, surreptitiously. Dedicating my life and centering it around the little human that I’ve only just met was as natural as breathing. I could not imagine myself doing less for him, heaven forbid! The little guy only had me. He needed […]

Baby Ray, blog, Musings, Musings/thoughts, Parenthood, Teaching/Education

Spare the Rod and Raise your Child

14 Sep , 2017  

I am not the most patient of people, as my long suffering husband would know lol. Aligned with my general impatience, I also used to firmly believe in “spare the rod and spoil the child”. After all, striking a child is the fastest and easiest way to make him listen and comply. I was brought […]

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LIfestyle, Love, Musings, My Love story

Happy Father’s Day ye crappy hubby!

11 Jun , 2016  

You know. Husbands are really shit. They do the darndest things and are like the biggest kid you’ll ever have. They give you a million and two ideas on the different ways you could be going about your usual shit (and thereby propelling your shit status into the non-shit hemisphere high up in the milky […]

Baby Ray, Musings

CNY Woes – Do NOT feed me without my mama’s permission

31 Jan , 2016  

  I’ve managed to coast through the previous two CNYs comfortably – by this, I mean it had pretty much been a breeze breastfeeding Ray freely during those CNY visits, as well as avoid giving him processed concoctions chockfull with sweet poison, AKA sugar, and other nutritionally devoid ingredients (bleached, processed flour, potato chips, salt, […]